
Blog #13: Impeachment Hearings

As the impeachment hearings go on, there have been 4 witnesses that have shared their personal experiences to immigration. These witnesses include the former ambassador of Ukraine Marie Yavanovitch, Lieutenant colonel Alexander Vindman, Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sonland and former National Security council Fiona Hill. These 4 witnesses have told a bit of their parents stories as immigrants coming to the United States. Some of their parents came to America as refugees looking for freedom, peace and opportunities. I think that their stories made their hearing very powerful as immigration has been a popular topic for a while and especially now with the Trump Administration.

Blog #12: ICE Jails

The Washington Post released and article about the ICE jails and the deportation. It states that deportations have been lower in the Trump administration than in the Obama administration. But in the Trump administration undocumented immigrants are being placed in ICE Jails awaiting deportation. These jails are getting more and more packed over time. The article also stated that about 70% of the people held in these jails have never been convicted of a crime before. It seems not logical to hold someone with no prior criminal convictions to be put in jail if there aren't going to be deported and even then deportation seems unfair giving that this 70% of the people in there have never been a harm or threat to America.

Blog #11: The Wall Cut Down

Trump has announced over and over again that his goal is to build a wall and he has started to do so. This an effort to keep undocumented immigrants from crossing from Mexico to the United States. The wall has costed about 10 billion to build. Recently, people have been cutting through this wall with a tool that costs about $100. The effectiveness of the wall has not been great and quite frankly it probably won't work. Aside from cutting down the wall, people have also built ladders to climb over the wall. The wall really can't stop immigrants from coming.

Blog #10: France and Immigrants

This week I decided to focus on France. Their municipal elections are around the corner and as time flies the current French president, Emmanuel Macron, is trying to win voters and shift them from voting for the far right candidate. He has been doing this my announcing new immigration reforms that are much stricter. He wants to deport many immigrants and he also wants to set quotas on immigration to allow certain amounts of foreign workers in.

Blog #9: Immigrant farmworkers to Get Citizenship

This week in class we talked about essential hypocrisy, how ICE does not interfere with immigrant farmworkers because they are essential to the economy. I came across an article on the San Francisco Chronicle about immigrant farmworkers getting citizenship. House lawmakers are coming up with a bill that would give immigrant farmworkers citizenship or a 5 year visa. They want to give them citizenship because they are what feed America essentially. It would be a good idea because these workers are helping the economy and it makes since to legally give them an opportunity to be in this country legally.

Blog #8: Immigrant Teens Taken by ICE Officials

This week I came across an article by CNN that caught my attention. This women who is a Human Rights Researcher, Angelina Godoy, found out that many immigrant teens were taken by ICE to Juvenile detention center away from their parents or guardians. It also came to her attention that the federal government had gone court to keep information private. It took a lot of investigation for Godoy to find some of the detention centers that some immigrant teens are brought to. In these detention centers it's often hard for immigrant teens to have access to a lawyer. The whole situation seem very unfair because it really is.

Blog #7: Denying Green Cards based on Health Care Affordabilty

As some people have already heard, Trump will try to enforce a new law that will affect many seeking green cards. This law states that in order to receive a green card, people must show proof that they will be able to cover their own medical costs. If people fail to do so, they will be denied a green card. This will be a struggle because as we know Health Care in America is costly, so to say that someone is denied a green card because they can't afford medical expenses is absolutely ridiculous. American struggle to pay for medical expenses on the daily, this is a huge problem here in the United Sates. It's honestly unfair to deny an immigrant a green card based of something that we know for a fact that even citizens of this country find hard to afford.